For spring break and if you like landmarkhistory staff, you have to cross the statue liberty, Ellis Island off your list. There are shut down. The reason, last year'ssupper storm sandy, it was 820 miles wide and blasted the U.S. east coastwith wind, rain and snow in October. Statue liberty normally stands on Liberty Island. After the storm, it was practically waitingthere. 75% of the island was under water. There was no damage to the 126 yearsold iron friend statue itself, but electrically system was destroyed. So werethe docks where you walk on the Liberty Island.
Ten hours are, the U.S. secretaryof interior says the statue will reopen on July 4th. He hasn't said when Ellis Island will reopen. Its main building was severelydamage. Its basement flooded. Some of its exhibited soaked with hit so hardstructurally that officials haven't send a day on its reopening. So those twospots are off your list. But we know some of you are probably getting ready tohit the road for spring break. We talk Martin Hunter, a travel producer with cnn.come about safety tips. If you just are heading to the beach or anothercountries.
A basic for spring break travel is justpretty much the same for any kind of travel. You need to aware of yoursurroundings, people around you. Make sure the people know where you are goingand when you expect to be back. You want to pack late and that leave your bagsunintended. When you are out of beach swimming, be sure to take somebody withyou and be using sunscreen and stay hydrated. Some further member for cruisesthat you know while it's contained to area its the sizes of the small city, soyou really need to still be aware of surrounding, pay attention to the safetydrills at the beginning of each cruise and to know where your need to meet inthe event of emergency and how to get there on your own. When you travelingabroad, it's important to remember that rules and laws can be a little bitdifferent. Something would get you in trouble at home is likely to get you awayfrom home as well. Review any kind of help cautions like should you drink thewater, are there any food restrictions and to consult the centers for thedisease control and prevention on vaccinations or other precautions you mightwant to take before you leave. Try to learn some key phrases in the locallanguages, so if you get into trouble and need medical and police help, you areable to communicate that with locals. Keep your money and your passport andforeign documents in the hotel safe but when you are carrying them, keep themclose to your body and money belt or interior your pocket or a bag with ashoulder strap that goes across your body. These are just a few ways to staysafe you can still have the great trip.
Teenagers get bad wrap when it comes totexting in driving, adults may be worse. The telecommunication’s companyAT&T took a serve recently and found while 43% of teenagers admit totexting while driving. 49% of adults too on their way to from work and considerthe number here. There are about 10 million teenage drivers on the road, thereare 180 million adults. You heard so much about the dangerous of texting whiledriving. And the message is getting through. 98% of commuters that AT&Tspoke to said they know what's not safe. But they are doing anyway. In fact,according to the serve, the number of adult drivers who are has gone up over thepast three years. What can be done about it? Well, the company that took thesurvey and the U.S.chambers of commerce want businesses to get involved. Many commuters may betrying to catch up on E- mail on the way to office. Officials want businessesto tell their employees: wait till you're out of the driver seat to E- mail,text or Tweet.